Packaging Monitoring

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thanks to augmented reality, you can now play pac-man on pizza hut’s new limited edition boxes. The…
A new online tool set to ‘transform’ traditional packaging design processes has been launched by LINDAL…
Toyochem Co., Ltd., the polymers and coatings subsidiary of Japan’s Toyo Ink Group, has launched a new…
Luxembourg-based company Capsul’in Pro has today launched its Zero Impact Nespresso compatible coffee…
In the latest edition of our Innovation Spotlight feature, KHS updates us on the progress of its Nature…
Après le lancement en 2020 d’un film étirable manuel pour palettes, contenant plus de 75% de matières…
An eco-friendly egg tray made by Marine Innovation Co., a social venture supported by SK Innovation…
Following the recent launch of Liquipure™, a new portfolio of sustainable flexible packaging, Liquibox…
Kyröntarhat Oy, which produce salads and herbs under the Vihreäkeiju brand, are the first food producers…